Large, outdoor advertising and advertising surface, where a plexiglass sheet is inserted into the stainless frame structure. The front half of the board, on which the printed inscriptions or graphics are placed, lights up. The illuminated sign with a plexiglass front is an impressive and visually striking way to convey this message.

These signs are not only spectacular and attractive, but also stand out in the dark or in poor visibility conditions, thereby increasing the effectiveness and visibility of the message.
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Board types
Why board inscription?
The illuminated sign welcomes, informs and invites at the same time. The company’s profile and size can be inferred from its character, and even the economic situation of the given company can be inferred from its execution and, above all, from the quality of its execution. It is no coincidence that multinational companies pay particular attention to the creation of their company logos, as well as to the uniform, high-quality design of the illuminated advertising signs and illuminated signs of their individual locations and stores.
Nowadays, when everyone makes judgments about anything at first glance, perhaps we don’t need to say how important it is, for example, the design and condition of an illuminated advertising sign. These signs can be of different sizes and types and have lighting or other light sources to highlight advertisements and brands.
Production of illuminated advertising boards
Illuminated signs, advertising signs, advertising inscriptions are made in our own production plant. In terms of their base material, we work with light but strong and durable and weather-resistant materials, such as aluminum, plexiglass, SMD LED modules, and outdoor foils. In most cases, the work starts with CNC milling or in the locksmith shop.
Our locksmith and sheet metal working specialists bend the casing of the box letters to the desired letter shape with their own hands based on the base plate made by the CNC milling machine as a template. But in general, it can be said that this industry is difficult to mechanize due to the uniqueness and small number of manufactured advertising signs, i.e. each ready-made illuminated sign has a high human resource ratio. After/in addition to the CNC milling and the locksmith operation, the lighting fronts and fronts are shaped and shaped for the final design by our plastic industry specialists.
Our electrician colleagues insert the SMD LED modules specially developed for this purpose into the illuminated signs and advertising signs. When all parts of the billboard are ready, they are put together in the assembly workshop to form a single finished product.
Our illuminated signs and advertising signs are surface treated with a durable, plastic-based painting process usually called sintering or powder spraying. It is important to note that the color of the surface treatment can be chosen from the RAL color scale for illuminated signs.
Creation of a unique illuminated advertising board that matches your company image
Regarding the designs, you can choose the most suitable solution for displaying the company’s image and brand from among many options. It can be a foam pen, illuminated box letter, illuminated or non-illuminated sign, neon sign, cantilevered company sign, perhaps a totem pole or an advertising tower. But even within the individual categories listed, there are many versions possible.
With their advice, our expert colleagues help with the choice, that is, the process of creating the final design. But we can provide effective support not only in the design, but also in the creation of the logo with the help of our advertising graphic and visual design colleagues, so that we can create the best and most suitable logo and color scheme for your company. We provide extremely precise, fast and high-quality work in the construction of the illuminated advertising board.
The effect of outdoor advertising signs and illuminated signs on the customer's path to purchase (Path-to-Purchase)
According to APN Outdoor, 70% of shopping takes place outside of major shopping and retail centers. Location is everything when it comes to outdoor advertising as it affects every stage of the Path-to-Purchase.
Research collected by the Outdoor Media Center (OMC) shows that outdoor billboards and illuminated signs are the advertising material most seen by consumers in the “last window of influence”.
Mass reach with illuminated signs
This is a great marketing platform for brands or businesses trying to reach a wider audience. Outdoor advertising signs, illuminated advertising signs are public and accessible to consumers, which are sometimes difficult to reach.
What is the procedure for ordering a light board?
After receiving the request, we will contact you as soon as possible, which, according to our hopes and efforts, will happen within 1 to 2 hours after receiving the request. In order to prepare an accurate price quote for the illuminated sign, our project managers will ask you the following questions: where is the place to install the illuminated advertising sign, describe exactly your ideas regarding the illuminated sign with approximate dimensions, materials you want to use, colors, and send your company’s vector logo (preferably ai, eps , or in a file with cdr or pdf extension). If you are unsure about the details, all we need is for you to tell us your ideas about the illuminated billboard and our professionals and advertising graphic designers will design it for you.
How long does it take to make an illuminated billboard?
In general, it can be said that the production time of a unique illuminated sign is approximately 8 to 15 working days from the receipt of the official customer, the confirmation of visual and production plans, and the receipt of the advance payment, depending on the complexity of the design and the size of the illuminated advertising sign. Of course, this is always determined individually, with precise knowledge of the project and the product, and there may be deviations from this in the plus or minus direction.
How much does the LED light board consume?
We provide a day and night illuminated advertising surface with the most economical technical solution, the LED illuminated advertising board. Thanks to the modern technology of LEDs, the light board’s energy consumption is low and it is a long-lasting solution. The consumption of approximately 1 square meter of surface is ~35 W.