

In larger facilities and places, it is easy to get lost or lose your way, and wayfinding offers a solution to this problem.

Well-designed and well-placed signage, signs and guidance systems make navigation easy and minimize confusion and frustration.

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“The goal of good wayfinding is to enhance the experience by helping visitors find their way around and navigate within a facility. – getting lost is a disappointing feeling…”

What products are made during wayfinding?

Wayfinding can contain almost any type of product, be it a box letter, illuminated sign, totem, room markers, wall decorations, etc., which are used to inform and guide visitors.

Texts, arrows, symbols


This is the most commonly used signaling element. Signposts can contain text, arrows, symbols, or images to help people find their desired destination or direction. Examples can be distance measuring signs, location marking signs or signs indicating services.

Directional arrows on the wall

Landmarks & arrows

This physical marking system helps people navigate within a specific area or building. These signs can be arrows placed on the floor, wall or other surfaces to guide visitors. For example, yellow lines on the sidewalk to indicate the route, or arrows on the wall to show the exit or important places.

Totem with display

Digital displays

These modern signaling devices enable dynamic and real-time display of information. For example, maps, routes, timetables or important messages can be displayed on digital displays. These can be monitors, LED displays or projectors.

Box letters, illuminated signs

Lighting systems

Today’s guideposts equipped with LED lighting give us guidance inside and outside a facility in a spectacular way at low cost. Lighting can also be useful in dark or poorly lit areas. For example, in case of an emergency, controls or exits can be equipped with illuminated signs or different colors and lights to make them stand out.

These are just a few examples of wayfinding products used in a facility or area. The selection of the exact products and elements depends on the size of the facility, its goals and the needs of the visitors. Professionals design and implement these tools to ensure efficient and clear information for visitors.

How to create wayfinding

  • Research and analysis: At the beginning of the planning process, professionals get to know the facility, its size, layout, target audience and goals. Visitor routes and potential navigational challenges are then explored.
  • Development of a design strategy: The aim of the design strategy is to define the basic principles and objectives of signalling. Important goals are defined, such as ease of orientation, security, information provision and aesthetic appearance.
  • Design of signs and signs: Specialists design various signs, signs and control systems. It is important to consider the clarity and ease of interpretation of texts, arrows, symbols and the use of colors.
  • Implementation of a signaling system: Based on the completed plans, the specialists will create the necessary signs and signs. This may include printed materials, digital displays, control system software and other tools.
  • Installation and review: The finished signaling elements are placed in the appropriate places in the facility or area. Installation is usually carried out by professionals who pay attention to appropriate heights, visibility and easy detection. After installation, professionals will inspect the system to ensure its effectiveness and any further refinements.

Wayfinding with Bepro!

Bepro Signfactory is an organization that covers the entire process of manufacturing and installing wayfinding products, from ordering materials to finishing touches. Their expert team manufactures and installs signage, digital displays and other complete wayfinding systems to help visitors navigate easily and efficiently.

Through our professional services, we ensure high quality and personalized solutions for customers!

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